“I was just a kid when I first saw HIM…”


Majestic X is a giant robots fighting game. Defeat the evil robot and save the world!!

Obviously, I took inspiration in classic super giant robot animes like Mazinger Z. I tried to match not only the art style, but also for the animations.

This game was developed in 48hs for Ludum Dare 46, using the theme "Keep it Alive".


Controls are pretty simple:

  • LMB/Ctrl: Attack
  • RMB/Alt: Block
  • Left/A: Dodge Left
  • Right/D: Dodge Right

You need to time your attacks correctly in order to damage your opponent.

Development log


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I really liked the game it was very cinematic and gave me Pacific Rim vibes. Would you care to try out mine https://mager22brophybroncosorg.itch.io/faster
